About Us
At Halibut.net you'll find everything you've ever wanted to know about the largest flatfish in the ocean. You can also learn about the best halibut fishing areas on the West Coast, Alaska and everywhere between, including the best places to catch Pacific halibut in British Columbia.
Halibut.net also gives you lots of halibut fishing maps, halibut fishing articles, halibut fishing photos and of course, halibut fishing techniques to help you catch more big halibut on the halibut rich waters of the West Coast!
Halibut.net owned by John & Lois Beath who also own SquidPro Tackle. SquidPro Tackle offers some of the best halibut, lingcod, rockfish & salmon fishing tackle available. All of the SquidPro Tackle products have been field tested by John Beath who also guides for Whaler's Cove Lodge in Alaska.
We Have Halibut Chronicles & Salmon Chronicles to give you as much information for your fishing adventures as possible.
Halibut.net also gives you lots of halibut fishing maps, halibut fishing articles, halibut fishing photos and of course, halibut fishing techniques to help you catch more big halibut on the halibut rich waters of the West Coast!
Halibut.net owned by John & Lois Beath who also own SquidPro Tackle. SquidPro Tackle offers some of the best halibut, lingcod, rockfish & salmon fishing tackle available. All of the SquidPro Tackle products have been field tested by John Beath who also guides for Whaler's Cove Lodge in Alaska.
We Have Halibut Chronicles & Salmon Chronicles to give you as much information for your fishing adventures as possible.